Friday, May 25, 2012

Submitted to Embassy!

Yesterday morning (at 7:18 to be exact) I got an email with the words "Case recieved" in the subject line.  I was pulling in to work (yes, I was checking my email compulsively since I knew we were supposed to be submitted today) and burst into tears as I called the hubby. 

The email read:
"Dear Wayman Family,
Congratulations!  Your adoption case has been submitted to the U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia..."  The email went on (it was very long!) to explain the process the Embassy goes through in proving that a child is an orphan. 

So that was our amazing news for the week!  We don't know how long it will be before we're cleared to bring him home (some have been days and some have been months), but we're ONE step closer to seeing this precious face! 

If you've cleared Embassy recently, please feel free to leave a comment and share how long it was from the time you were submitted.  Happy Friday y'all!
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  1. Wonderful news! Praying it moves quickly and you have him in your arms soon.

    1. Thank you Colleen! We are very anxiously awaiting his arrival! Looking forward to having him in our arms!

  2. Congratulations! We are waiting to hear the news that we have been submitted as well. Our court date was May 10th. I have heard differing time frames so we will see!!! Hopefully our babies will be home SOON! ;)

    1. Thank you Amy! Congratulations to your family! Your daughter is just beautiful! Praying we're reunited with our children very soon!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! We feel so blessed to have so many people praying our son home! And congratulations on getting your contracts in the mail! Big step!!!

  4. So happy for you....I have friends who are coming home today from Ethiopia...they were there exactly 6wks ago mtg their son for the 1st time...yes it went that fast...Praise God...praying for you.

    1. Thank you Sherry! I love hearing how quickly families have been coming home lately! Best wishes on your upcoming trip to Uganda! I can't wait to read all about it!
