A few weeks ago I was contacted by Beth of
give1save1. She was interested in helping us raise money for our adoption. I was all ears! Beth is a believer with a passion for helping orphans find their forever families. Her family is also raising money for their Ethiopian adoption, so we have that in common! Each Monday
on her site, she features a new fundraising family. The idea is basically that if each person gives $1, it will bring these sweet children one step closer to coming home. $1 really can make a difference!
I feel so fortunate that we were the family chosen this week! THANK YOU Beth for contacting me! I plan to give $1 each week. I mean, who of us really doesn't have $1 to spare? Head over to
give1save1 to give your dollar. It's amazing what happens when people come together!
A BIG thank you to those of you who have already given $1 without ever meeting us! It blows me away. So thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
What a great idea! :D