Here is a list of the paperwork items that must be included in our homestudy (just to give you an idea of what we're working on!). I put *'s next to the things that are finished!
Formal Application *
Changes in Familly Status *
Statement of Intent (Guardianship Arrangements)
Adoption Release and Consent *
International Adoption Statement *
Affidavit of Health Insurance Coverage
Copies of Birth Certificates
Copy of Marriage Certificate
Medical Exam Letter and Form
Family History Data *
Self-Study (Autobiographies) *
Discipline Policy *
Training Requirement and Schedule *
Reading Requirements
Financial Statement/Monthly Income and Expenses/Most Recent 1040 Tax Form
Notice of Private Practices *
Criminal Record Inquiry
Background Check
Expectations Consultation
Psychological Reports
International Adoption Fee Schedule and Agreement *
Applicant Waiver for Background Checks *
Waiver of Unforeseen Fees *
Duty of Disclosure *
Permission/Consent Form *
Medical Needs Questionnaire *
Passport Information *
Whew! That's quite a list, isn't it? Many of the items on the list are just a single piece of paper. The doctor's appointments, fingerprinting, psycological evaluation, and reading requirements are things that take a bit longer. We're working on those! Our goal is to have everything finished on our part and have started our homestudy interviews (they conduct 3) by the end of April.
So that's what's been going on with us in the adoption world lately!

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